4 Year-Old Kindergarten
Program Information
Our four-year old kindergarten program is full day. Randall’s 4K program provides students a meaningful opportunity to be exposed to a variety of learning experiences. We are a readiness program focusing on social and emotional growth. Our curriculum is aligned with the WIMELS (Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards). We include thematic units, as well as reading and math skills. These experiences are beneficial to students and increase their success in five-year-old kindergarten.
Overall, students become familiar and comfortable with school routines, increase their responsibilities, and build self-confidence as they prepare to become lifelong learners.
Social Development
Interacts well with others
Participates in group activities
Keeps hands to self
Respects the rules of the school
Shows self-confidence
Takes care of one’s own needs
Makes appropriate choices
Fine Motor Skills
Holds pencil correctly.
Uses scissors effectively
Prints first name
Math Readiness
Counts using one-to-one correspondence
Compares quantities of sets
Sorts objects by color, shape, and size
Identifies basic colors
Identifies basic shapes
Counts forward from 1-20
Identifies numbers 1-20
Writes numbers 1-20
Arranges sizes in order
Makes simple patterns
Reading Readiness
Answers questions about stories
Retells familiar stories
Writes using pictures/symbols/letters
Identifies same and different
Recognizes own name in print
Identifies uppercase and lowercase letters
Orally dictates a sentence to match a pictures
Work Habits
Listens attentively
Follows simple directions
Handles materials carefully
Demonstrates good clean-up habits
Book care and selection
Parts of a book
Holiday/seasonal stories
Library manners and etiquette
Recognizing parts of a book
Retelling favorite parts of a story
Physical Education
Perform basic locomotor movements of walk, run, gallop, jump, hop, and skip
Move safely among other students
Perform basic manipulative and non-manipulative skills
Perform skills alone and with a group
Recognize a variety of artists.
Recognize the use of shapes in objects
Use shapes to create objects.
Experience a variety of media to create 2-D and 3-D art.
Experience using their voice.
Explore the foundations of beat and rhythms.
Explore echoing patterns vocally and with instruments.
Begin understanding the difference between fast/slow, high/low, and loud/soft.
Explore physically moving to music