About Us
The undersigned hereby applies for use of Randall School facilities as indicated below and agrees to pay the rental fee stated, if any.
It is agreed that, while being used by the Undersigned, proper control will be maintained over the building and any persons who may be therein. It is agreed that any damage beyond normal wear and tear while being used for the purpose requested will be the liability of the Undersigned.
The Undersigned agrees to indemnify, save and hold free and harmless Joint District #1, Town of Randall, Village of Twin Lakes, et al., their officers, agents and/or employees, for injury or death of persons or damages to property arising out of, connected with or attributable to the use and occupancy of the building, grounds, or facilities as provided.
(If facility use occurs on a weekend requiring someone to unlock and lock the building the organization or group will pay the employee assigned (via Randall School) to do so two times the regular wage rate of that employee).
NOTE: In the event that school is closed or canceled for any reason your scheduled activity will also be canceled. Groups using the Elementary (green) Gym are reminded that the Climbing Wall is not to be used and are asked to monitor this area diligently.
District Administrator
About Our School
District Mission Statement
Randall brings to life our mission and vision every day through the efforts of dedicated staff, a committed community, and a learning environment that nurtures students through a relentless focus on:
Relationships & Learning
Empowering Excellence…
Our hopes and aspirations for all Randall Students are guided through intentional and purposeful opportunities and development of:
Powerful Communicating
Critical Problem Solving
Impactful Collaborating
District Background
Randall Consolidated School Joint District No. 1 is a K-8 district serving a six square mile area in southeastern Wisconsin adjacent to the Illinois state line. The District serves the southwest corner of Kenosha County approximately 22 miles west of Lake Michigan and is adjacent to the northeast corner of McHenry County, Illinois and within 1/2 mile of Lake County, Illinois.
Public education in this area dates back to 1867. In the early 1950's, enrollment demands resulted in several of very small school districts examining the benefits of consolidation of districts. In mid-1955 a referendum was held to establish a township wide grade school district including the Village of Twin lakes. When the referendum failed, the boundaries of the School District of Twin Lakes were, for all practical purposes fixed, and subsequent annexations to the Village of Twin lakes have been served by what is now Randall School. On September 10, 1956 a successful referendum joined Randall District No. 1 and Randall Joint District No. 2. In April, 1957 the Kenosha County (Randall Township) residents served by a school district in Walworth County were, by order of the joint Walworth County-Kenosha County School Committee, attached to the District. The current boundaries of the District were set on August 25, 1958 when a referendum approved including the remaining portion of Randall Joint District No. 3 in the District. The District's first building was occupied in 1959 (financed in 1957). Subsequent additions to the building were constructed in 1961, 1964, 1968, 1979, 1993, 2001, 2019, and the current Capital project to be completed in the fall of 2024.