Kindergarten Curriculum Highlights
Use memory to retell a story
Use reading strategies for word recognition and comprehension
Identify and match beginning and ending consonant letter sounds
Apply background knowledge to understand literature
Speak on topic and in complete sentences during class discussions
Recognize rhyming words
Recognize and identify upper and lower case letters
Blend vowel/consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables
Read kindergarten sight words
Demonstrate directionality of print
Recall a story sequence and predict the outcome
Analyze a story with questions and comments
Read independently at appropriate level
Write a simple sentence
Use a drawing to complement written work
Spell high frequency words correctly in context
Understand proper usage of upper and lowercase letters
Demonstrate awareness of end punctuation
Write first and last names using upper/lower case letters
Compose a short story with a beginning, middle, and end
Fine Motor
Grips writing tools correctly
Trace on a line
Cut on a line
Social Studies
Appreciate cultural differences
Understand the role of community members
Exhibit respect through cooperative and collaborative work
Explain the difference between wants and needs
Define ways to be a friend
Explain the necessity of rules
Develop the concept of geography through maps and globes
Classify animals by observable characteristics
Use senses to make observations
Summarize data gained through careful observations
Observe physical properties of objects
Classify objects by observable properties
Explore earth, life and physical sciences
Use manipulatives to develop number sense including one-to-one correspondence
Count and read numbers to 100 in random order
Write numbers to 100
Count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s
Skip count by 2’s and 5’s
Group objects by size, shape, and color
Recognize and continue a simple pattern
Recognize that a graph is a way to show information
Solve simple addition and subtraction equations
Estimate and problem solve using everyday situations
Demonstrate an understanding of number stories using manipulatives
Create a number sentence to demonstrate the understanding of a story problem
Tell time to the hour
Recognize basic 2 and 3 dimensional geometric shapes
Health & Wellness
Identify basic safety practices
Correlate good hygiene and nutrition with a healthy lifestyle
Demonstrate making good choices
Identify good and bad consequences of choices they make
Identify characteristics of a responsible and respectful student
Physical Education
Perform basic loco-motor movements of walk, run, gallop, jump, hop and skip
Move safely among other students
Perform basic manipulative and non-manipulative skills
Perform skills alone and with a group
Recognize a variety of art terms using the word wall.
Recognize Rembrandt, O’Keefe, Oldenburg, Martinez, Picasso, Mondrian, Pollack, Monet, Cassatt and their works
Recognize art from the African culture and Cubism movement
Use a variety of media to create 2-D and 3-D art work.
Review parts of a book
Recognize the difference between author/illustrator
Begin story sequencing
Begin to learn the difference between fiction/non-fiction
Complete a mini research project together as a class
Accept responsibility for behavior
Begin and stay on task
Complete a task in a reasonable amount of time
Follow simple, three-step oral directions
Play with 4-5 children fairly in cooperative play
Respect others and their property
Demonstrate problem solving skills
Demonstrate more consistent independent behavior
Develop the skills of being responsible, sharing, helping and caring
Seek help when needed
Define responsibility
Share attention with others
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the school counselor
List and demonstrate the rules for class discussions
List the jobs parents have and jobs seen at school
Discuss what to do if a stranger is bothering them
Describe how people work together to achieve a goal
Express their needs, wants, and feelings in healthy and appropriate ways
Show appreciation to others
List what to do if someone is abusing them
Show what to do when they are involved in a conflict
Identify the appropriate persons from whom a child can safely take medicine
Identify feelings and act on them appropriately
Demonstrate singing on pitch
Demonstrate a steady beat
Accomplish echo singing
Distinguish between high/low, fast/slow, loud/soft, up/down, long/short
Recognize vocal sounds we can make ourselves
Become familiar with call and response songs
Understand what a computer is and parts of computer
Move a mouse accurately
Locate enter, delete/backspace, space bar, shift keys on a keyboard
Log on and off computer
Use components of a computer system, related vocabulary and grade appropriate software.